Winter Night Hawks 2024 (Sponsored by Dickinsons Tiles)
5 matches in total, 2 matches in Jan, Feb and Sept, 3 matches in Oct, Nov and Dec. Winter Night Hawks is on weight but anglers also get points towards the club championship. Well done Colin Atkinson on totally smashing this year’s WNH.
Thank you to our sponsor Dickinsons Tiles (Connor Dickinson) donating £100 to the Overall Winner and Heaviest Fish providing the Anglers had fished 6 or more matches. This was stipulated prior to the first match of 2024. Unfortunately, Keith only fished 5 matches so misses out on heaviest fish prize. Very unlucky Keith and well-done Sean.
35 Anglers fished at least one match.
1st Place Colin Atkinson 66lb 9oz – £100 from Dickinsons Tiles.
2nd Tom Sawyer 33lb 8oz
3rd Marty Pygall 30lb 3oz
4th Bob Gascoigne 24lb 7oz
5th Sean Dickinson 22lb 7oz
Heaviest Fish
1st Keith Smith Cod 7lb 8oz
2nd Sean Dickinson Cod 5lb 10oz – £100 from Dickinsons Tiles.
3rd David Wood Cod 4lb 7oz
Heaviest Bag
1st Colin Atkinson 12lb 8oz (8 Cod)
2nd Marty Pygall 11lb 3oz
3rd Sean Dickinson 10lb 4oz
Heaviest Flat
1st Glen Campbell Flounder 1lb 7oz