Longbenton & Seaton Burn Sea Anging Club

Summer Night Hawks Matches

Twelve matches in total.  Two pegged matches per month in the River Tyne from March to August.  Matches are fished over three locations.  Four matches at each Vennue. 

Summer Night Hawks Table 2023

Summer Night Hawks (Pegged Matches Tyne) 2024 Table

15 Matches fished at four locations on the River Tyne.  Walker Riverside (Belmont Bank), Copthorne, St Peters and British Airways.

Updated:  06/09/2024 after 13 matches

Summer Night Hawks (Pegged Matches Tyne) 2024 Points

Updated: 06/09/24

Longest fish (cm) in a Summer Night Hawks Match 2023

Longest fish (cm) in a Summer Night Hawks Match 2024

Updated:  13/08/2024

Longest Total Length (cm) in a Summer Night Hawks Match 2023

Longest Total Length (cm) in a Summer Night Hawks Match 2024

Updated: 13/08/24

Minimum 200cm -  This will increase as more matches are fished.