Club Minimum Fish Sizes
Club Minimum Fish Sizes
Bass 42cm – See Regulations 2024.
Black Bream 23cm
Bream Red 33cm
Brill 30cm
Blue Ling 70cm
Bull Huss 58cm
Coalfish 35cm
Cod 35cm
Common Eel – Must be released alive. All Eels measured at 30cm in Summer Night Hawks. Maximum of 3 eels. If a Committee member is able to weigh straight away. Fish may be weighed and released.
Conger Eel – 58cm
Dab 23cm
Dogfish 38cm
Flounder 25cm
Garfish 38cm
Gurnard 25cm
Hake 27cm
Haddock 30cm
Herring 20cm. Maximum of 3 Herring per match. Including Summer Night Hawks Matches.
Ling 63cm
Mackerel 30cm. Maximum of 3 mackerel per match. Including Summer Night Hawks Matches.
Megrim 20cm
Red Mullet 15cm
Grey Thick Lip Mullet 20cm
All other Mullet 33cm
Plaice 27cm
Pollock 30cm
Poor Cod 18cm
Pouting 25cm
Rays 46cm
Rockling 25cm
Sardine 11cm
Shad -Must be released alive. Can be measured and returned to water in Catch and Release Matches.
Scad (Horse Mackerel) – 15cm
Smelt – Must be released alive. Can be measured and returned to water in Catch and Release Matches.
Smoothound 51cm
Spurdog 58cm
Sole (Common/Dover) 24cm
Sole (Lemon) 25cm
Tadpole Fish 25cm
Turbot 30cm
Whiting 27cm
Wolffish 30cm
Wrasse 30cm
All Species not listed 25cm