Longbenton & Seaton Burn Sea Angling Club
Club Championship
Longbenton and Seaton Burn Sea Angling Club
The Club Championship is points based. Points gained from all five competitions are added to create the club championship table. The overall winner is the angler who accumulates the most points over a calander year.
Saturday League
12 Saturday League is fished during the daytime. One per month. Members can decide to fish Tynemouth Pier or go roving. 1 Saturday Evening pegged beach match and 2 Saturday evening matches in the Summer. Saturday League.
Sunday League
12Sunday League is fished during the daytime. One per month. Members can decide to fish Tynemouth Pier or go roving. 1 Sunday Evening pegged beach match and 2 Sunday evening matches in the summer. Sunday League.
Thursday League
12 Thursday League is fished during the daytime. One per month. Members can decide to fish Tynemouth Pier or go roving.
Summer Night Hawks
Summer Night Hawks are fished on an evening from March till end of September. These are pegged matches in the River Tyne. 15 matches total. Summer Night Hawks,
Winter Night Hawks
WInter Night Hawks are evening roving matches. These are fished Jan and Feb and from September until the end of the year. 15 matches total. Winter Night Hawks
Previous Club Champions
Club Champion 2023
Tom Sawyer Championship 341 Points

Club Champion 2022
Gordon Mason Champion 240.5 Points

Club Champion 2019
Gavin Dodds Championship Winner

Full list of previous club champions in the link above. No club Champion 2020 or 2021 due to Covid.